If you have KQ, Internet Config and the ICeTEe extension installed, this will enable Command-Click to work for Eudora 1.5.x. Set IC to use “Eudora 1.x mailto” as the mailto helper. Next time you command-click an email address like
Eudora will open up and insert that address into a new email message!
There is a catch: this app is outdated, but it should still work. Basically, this will make your life easier if you still have an old version of Eudora and AppleScript boggles you. There are several quirks and there are probably better ways to write this app and since it is easier getting Eudora 3.x —this app is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for data loss incurred for the use of this application. The best advice is, to quote Robin Williams, “S.O.S.” — “SAVE OFTEN, SWEETIE” and to backup all your essential work regularly.
If you must fool around with this convoluted app, first you have to change the creator code back to “KQap.” Use a file change utility like Creator Changer. Or use ResEdit if you like messing up files as a hobby (standard ResEdit precautions apply because it is your disk, not mine). Then drop it over the KeyQuencer Editor. Change it back to “kqAP” when you are done.